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Institute of Neuroinformatics

Birdsong and Natural Language Group


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Paper accepted at IEEE ICASSP 2024:

Nianlong Gu, Kanghwi Lee, Maris Basha, Sumit Kumar Ram, Guanghao You, Richard H. R. Hahnloser, Positive transfer of the whisper speech transformation to human and animal voice activity detection

Nov 2023, Yingqiang Gao was awarded with the DocIU Cup Award (1st Place)

The challenge on Document-based Visual Question Answering (PDF-DQA) was awarded during the first Document Intelligence and Understanding (DocIU) Workshop at CIKM'23 (The 32nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Birmingham, UK). Congratulations!

Multimodal system for recording individual-level behaviors in songbird groups

L. Rüttimann, J. Rychen, T. Tomka, H. Hörster, M. D. Rocha, R.H.R. Hahnloser. 2022. bioRxiv

Oct 2022: New paper

Yingqiang Gao, Nianlong Gu, Jessica Lam, and Richard H.R. Hahnloser. 2022. Do Discourse Indicators Reflect the Main Arguments in Scientific Papers?. In Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Argument Mining, pages 34–50, International Conference on Computational Linguistics.

Nianlong Gu, Elliott Ash, Richard H.R. Hahnloser MemSum: Extractive Summarization of Long Documents using Multi-step Episodic Markov Decision ProcessesProceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022), Long papers., 2022

communication network

May 2021: A system for controlling vocal communication networks.

More about May 2021: A system for controlling vocal communication networks.

J. Rychen, D.I. Rodrigues, T. Tomka, L. Rüttimann, H. Yamahachi and R.H.R. Hahnloser (2021). A system for controlling vocal communication networks. Scientific Reports, 11(1).

nccr logo

2020: New funding - NCCR on Evolving Language

More about 2020: New funding - NCCR on Evolving Language

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Evolving Language is a nationwide interdisciplinary research consortium bringing together research groups from the humanities, from language and computer science, the social sciences, and the natural sciences at an unprecedented level.